The People of the Land Trust: Vice President Sidney Scott

Sidney Scott learned about the Truckee Donner Land Trust in a slightly different way than most: from a restaurant menu in Downtown Truckee. 

Sidney and her husband John, avid climbers, used to make the “weekend commute” each week to climb on Donner Summit. Eventually they bought a home in Serene Lakes as a basecamp for skiing, climbing and mountain biking, and after six years, made the move to living in the area full-time in 2004.

After finding out about the Land Trust and its mission, she said both she and her husband knew they wanted to be involved both in the organization and in the community that supports it: “We wanted to be a part of that movement and have been donors since that day.”

Living on Donner Summit, Sidney said the Royal Gorge campaign was particularly important to her, and more recently has come to really enjoy the Frog Lake property as well – hiking to the lake, rock climbing on Frog Lake Cliff, and picnicking with her family.

As a board member of the Land Trust, she sees the work of bringing disparate land ownership and management back together as critical.

“Our land around Truckee is located on a major transportation corridor and is easily accessed by both locals and visitors. Our watersheds also serve Northern California and Northern Nevada,” Sidney said. “Protecting these lands and providing trails and access provides broad benefits for our population and our planet.”

To join Sidney in supporting the work of the Land Trust, click here.

Greyson Howard